PG&E DeSabla-Centerville Relicensing

Pacific Gas and Electric’s License application is online.  Follow the progress and get involved in making this project more environmentally friendly. Removing 60% of the creek flow in critical Spring Run Salmon habitat for a small amount of electricity makes no sense. Let Butte Creek Flow!  PGE has set up a website for the relicensing process. It can be accessed at by using this link: DeSabla-Centerville Relicensing

2015 State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Certification

The DeSabla Centerville Hydroelectric Project 401 Water Quality Certification is released. Centerville Powerhouse, which has been out of commission since 2009 must stay offline and release full flows below Centerville Head Dam for five years to test if more water is good (what we have been saying all along) or bad (what some agencies and PG&E have been saying) for the salmon. Read the document.

2009 Official end to the Five Year ILP Relicensing Process

FERC’s woefuly inadequate Environmental Assessment for the DeSabla Centerville Hydroelectric Project continues the deficiencies promoted by PG&E. Check out the document. (5.4 mb) View the comments:

All the agencies and the Conservation Groups agree: Stop the heating in DeSabla Forebay, increase flow/habitat in the low flow section above Centerville Powerhouse and screen the diversions! Fish need cold water and the don’t belong in canals!

Other References 2008

Recent Comments on the Final License Appllication – April 2008

Updated Study Reports – January 2008

PG&E relicensing documents, September 2007

Comments submitted by Feb. 1, 2005 for the Scoping Document 1, Pre-application Document and Study Plans

Other Comments

California Department of Fish and Game References for the DeSabla Centerville Project

General References

PG&E reports that 724 fish were rescued when the Lower Centerville canal was drained for the annual maintenance in 2007. Of the trout rescued, 697 were rainbow and 27 were brown, all entrained at Centerville Diversion Dam. These fish would be passing down into Lower Butte Creek and bolstering the threatened resident and anadromous fishery but are regularly relocated to upper Butte Creek, far from their home. Friends of Butte Creek believes the diversion should be screened and fish passage provided for these fish down below the dam as provided by state law.