Butte Creek Existing Conditions Report (August 1998)
See the full report (no appendices) here. Or use the links below for individual report sections.
1. Location and Overview of the Area
2. Geology, Basin Morphology, and Hydrologic System
4. Water Supply and Service Areas of Water Suppliers
7. Current Land Uses and Land Management
8. Historical Uses and Cultural Resources
9. Fire History and Management
10. Scenic and Recreation Resources
11. Existing Resource Protection Measures
Summary of Issues as Related to Existing Conditions
Appendix A: Memorandum of Understanding
Appendix B: DWR Butte Creek Watermaster Service Area
Appendix C: Water Rights in DWR Butte Creek Watermaster Service Area
Appendix E: Surface Water Gauging Stations and Butte Creek Peak Annual Flows Graph
Appendix H: Groundwater Level Monitoring Wells and State Well Numbering System
Appendix I: DWR Water Quality Goals
Appendix J: Botanical Resources of the Butte Creek Watershed
Appendix K: Weeds Reported in the Butte Creek Watershed
Appendix L: Special Status Wildlife Known or with Potential to Occur in the Butte Creek Watershed
Appendix M: Descriptions of Fish Species that Occur in the Butte Creek Watershed
Appendix N: Range Allotment Management Strategies
Appendix O: Butte Creek Watershed Recreational Opportunities Matrix (Facilities)
Appendix P: Butte Creek Watershed Recreational Opportunities Matrix (Activities)