5th Annual Spring-Run Chinook Symposium

July 22-23, 2010Chico, CA The Salmonid Restoration Federation and Friends of Butte Creek hosted the 5th Annual Spring-run Chinook symposium July 22-23 in Chico, California. This was a collaborative educational event with diverse symposium partners, Pacific Gas & Electric, California Department of Water Resources, Deer and Mill Creek Conservancies, and the Big Chico Creek Watershed … Read more

Salmon Festivals

28th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference and 44th Annual AFS Cal-Neva MeetingSalmonid Restoration FederationMarch 10 – 13, 2010Redding, CA Feather River Salmon FestivalSept. 25, 2010Feather River HatcheryOroville, CA Lake Tahoe Kokanee Salmon FestivalOct. 3-4, 2010Lake Tahoe, CA Return of the Salmon FestivalOct. 16, 2010Coleman National Fish HatcheryAnderson, CA