Friends of Butte Creek formed in 1999 when the conservation voices in the watershed were excluded from the collaborative efforts established to help spring run salmon recover. Recognizing the need for an organization that promoted environmental protection and restoration, four members of the original collaborative created the Friends.
FBC has worked closely with several environmental groups and other supporters of community based groups to bring attention to the ongoing problems with recovery of salmon and steelhead. FBC has partnered with Earthjustice, the Sacramento River Preservation Trust, Friends of the River, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Association, and the Northern California Federation of Fly Fishers to pursue legal action to ensure that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Pacific Gas and Electric, and the state and federal agencies do everything possible to recover salmon and steelhead in the most expeditious manner.
FBC has worked with the California Hydro Reform Coalition to learn about and participate in the FERC Integrated Licensing Process for the DeSabla-Centerville Hydroelectric project operated by PGE. FBC has invested hundreds of hours and written dozens of pages of comments and suggestions for improving the project and the study plans in preparation the application for a new 30 year license for the project.
FBC has also worked with Streaminders, the Sacramento River Preservation Trust and others to provide substantive comments on the CALFED funded Butte Creek Floodplain Management Project. FBC is the only Butte Creek group submitting comments on the project.
FBC has also been instrumental in providing field trips for school groups to view spawning salmon throughout the watershed to develop a community with a strong appreciation of this natural miracle. We hope you can share this appreciation and join our efforts.