August 12, thousands of dead spring run salmon are littering upper Butte Creek Canyon, results of a failure to do anything for the fish. These fish are not dying naturally as PGE claims. Water temperatures delivered by PGE hit 68° in July when cooler water was available. In the low – flow holding area where temperatures topped 70°, a rapid spread of lethal bacteria has pushed the death toll over two thousand. All parties with authority have sat on their hands and sacrificed these threatened fish. Voice your concern to Dept. of Fish and Game, PGE and National Marine Fisheries Service.
Send your comments on PGE’s DeSabla-Centerville Project to Bill Zemke, PGE , Mail Code N11E, PO Box 770000, San Francisco CA 94177.
Send your comments on the fish kill to Mike Chrisman, Secretary, Resources Agency, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento CA 95814
Send your comments on the fish kill to Michael Aceituno, National Marine Fisheries Service, 680 Capitol Mall Suite 8-300, Sacramento CA 95814-4708