Friends of Butte Creek featured on front page of the San Francisco Chronicle!

The May 26, 2008 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle featured the article Salmon resurgence in Butte County. Here’s a snippet:

The number of spawning fish returning from the ocean to Butte Creek increased 10 percent from 2006 to 2007, Harthorn said. By the look of things, he said, even more fish are returning this year. But the most dramatic resurgence occurred over the past 10 years, when an average of almost 10,000 salmon a year swam back up the creek, according to Harthorn, who co-founded Friends of Butte Creek in 1999 after years battling farming interests and Pacific Gas and Electric over its DeSabla-Centerville plant.

Read the entire article here, and view an image of the front page here.